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Grupa EWTG została stworzona jako rezultat ponad 15 lat doświadczenia w sektorze B2B. Od samego początku rozwój firmy związany był z innowacyjnością.


EWTG składa się z kilku dywizji które wzajemnie się uzupełniają i pozwalają klientom za zakup specjalistycznych produktów czy usług w jednym miejscu. Dzięki temu poszczególne dywizje wpływają docelowo na jakość jak i szybkość działania a tym samym poziom zadowolenia partnerów.


Grupa oferuje wiele ciekawych, innowacyjnych rozwiązań dla branży okienno-drzwiowej z zakresu systemów wentylacji , paneli czy profili do klasycznej stylizacji stolarki okiennej.


Jesteśmy nastawieni na czynne wsłuchiwanie się w potrzeby naszych odbiorców i rynku,dzięki temu cały czas nasza organizacja ewoluuje i usprawnia swoje działanie wpływając na poziom konkurencyjności naszych partnerów.


Projects Completed


Staff members


Million Man-hours


Awards Won

meet the team


Alex Buoyega


Mr. Buoyega was born in one of Detroit’s poorest blocks, all before pursuing his successful managerial career in the future. For him, the breakthrough happened when he was able to get on Harvard University’s...


Kenneth Richardson

Chief Executive Officer

A talented and creative leader, Kenneth is known among his colleagues for how good his organizing and team leading skills are. Working priorly for a number of American and International multi-billion dollar...


Jonathan Christman

Design Chief Officer

Being as a devoted family man as he is, it is incredible how Jonathan has time left for managing multi-million dollar contracts, satisfying all of our clients and managing a vast team of professionals...


Martin Gray

Contractors Operations Head

Mr. Buoyega was born in one of Detroit’s poorest blocks, all before pursuing his successful managerial career in the future. For him, the breakthrough happened when he was able to get on Harvard University’s...


Mary Applebaum

Chief Financial Officer

A Juneau, Alaska native, Mrs. Applebaum has come a long way since her high school graduation all the way up to getting a Brown University Master’s degree in Economics. Talented with the digits, she’s no less successful...


Elisa Hansolo

Vice President of Operationsr

Born in New York City, Elisa always felt a strong urge for being an ambitious overachiever. Eventually, by the age of 25 she already had received her first Wall Street executive position, making her one of the...


Emily Bluesome

Vice President of Sales

If you’d ask any of our workers, who is the executive manager that they’re always looking up and living up to, most likely Emily’s name will surface. Having a vast and thorough practical working experience lasting for more...


Diane Beaton

Senior Controller & Analyst

If you’d ever need to figure out a workaround for a complicated business problem, look no further than Diane’s desk for getting a thorough and all-rounded advice. She has been working in the industry for more than...